Image shows audiologist talking on the phone with a man about the degree of hearing loss

Degree of hearing loss

If you suspect that you might have some degree of hearing loss, you are probably wondering how serious it is. This page will educate you about the different levels of hearing loss and how you seek treatment, no matter what level of hearing loss you may have.

Compare degrees of hearing loss

The severity of your hearing loss is usually measured in two ways:

  1. Loudness: How loud does a sound need to be in order for you to hear it?
  2. Pitch: Which frequencies are difficult for you to hear?

Below are the main categories for hearing loss levels with examples of sounds that might be inaudible at a given level (based on their loudness and pitch.)

Degrees of hearing loss

The degree of hearing loss refers to the severity of the loss and is generally categorized as either mild, moderate, severe, or profound.

It can be measured in decibels (dB), referring to how loud sounds need to be for you to hear them.

Illustration shows ear with normal hearing loss ear waves
Normal hearing (≤25 dB)
No perceived hearing loss symptoms
Sounds you are missing
no sounds missing
Illustration shows ear with mild hearing loss ear waves
Mild hearing loss (26-40 dB)
Soft speech is difficult to hear, especially in noisy environments
Sounds you are missing Ticking clock

Illustration shows ear with moderate hearing loss ear waves
Moderate hearing loss (41-60 dB)
Following a conversation in noisy environments or group settings is problematic
Sounds you are missing Vacuum cleaner

Illustration shows ear with severe hearing loss ear waves
Severe hearing loss (61-80 dB)
People have to speak loudly for you to hear them
Sounds you are missing
Baby crying
Illustration shows ear with profound hearing loss ear waves
Profound hearing loss (≥81 dB)
Hearing is challenging in most environments
Sounds you are missing

3 ways to understand the severity of your hearing loss

icon shows person with headphone
Book a free hearing test
Get a free hearing test at a clinic near you to assess the severity of your hearing loss
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Take the online hearing test
Our online hearing test gives you an indication of how well you hear
Start online hearing test
Icon shows ear with wave
Study the signs of hearing loss
Understanding the common signs of hearing loss will help with early detection
Signs of hearing loss

Reading an audiogram

An audiogram is a graph or chart that displays the results of your comprehensive hearing evaluation.

The X-axis shows the different pitches of the sounds that were played to you during your test. This axis is laid out like piano keys, where low-pitched sounds are on the left and higher pitches are towards the right of the graph.

The Y-axis shows the loudness which increases as you go down the graph. The points on the graph demonstrate how loud the sounds needed to be in order for you to hear at each pitch test.

Circles (red) symbolize your right ear and crosses (blue) symbolize your left ear.

Book a free hearing test to receive your own audiogram results.

Illustration shows audiogram
Image shows audiologist placing hearing aid into woman's ear

Seek early treatment for hearing loss

Gradual hearing loss is fairly common in the aging process. But this doesn't mean that it should be ignored!


Since even mild hearing loss is associated with cognitive decline and other consequences of untreated hearing loss, all hearing loss should be treated with hearing aids or other treatment options.

Find a hearing clinic Hearing loss treatment

Treating all degrees of hearing loss

If you think you have hearing loss, but you've been putting off getting a hearing aid, you're not alone.

Only 1 in 4 people who could benefit from hearing devices actually use them

While taking the first step can be the hardest part, seeking treatment as soon as possible is in your best interest. The Scripps Research Institute has found that hearing loss, when left undiagnosed or untreated, has the potential to worsen over time. Being proactive in seeking treatment in the early stages of hearing loss is therefore beneficial for both your current and long-term hearing health.

Hearing aid finder

5 steps to improving your hearing

icon of person with headphones on
1. Learn how to recognize the signs of hearing loss
Signs of hearing loss
Image show calendar icon
2. Schedule your FREE hearing test in a clinic near you
Book hearing test
icon of hearing aid
3. Select a pair of hearing aids and receive a risk-free trial
Free, 30-day trial
icon showing a bag of money
4. Learn about payment plans and subsidy programs
Hearing aid financing
Icon shows a shield with an ear
5. Hear well and live well. Receive extensive aftercare
Aftercare service

Invisible hearing solutions

Today’s hearing aids are more technologically advanced than ever - and they are also more discreet than ever.
Some modern hearing aids are practically invisible, and yet they still offer excellent sound quality even in difficult listening situations.


Book a free hearing aid trialInvisible hearing aids




A woman holds a hearing aid in her hand


Truly invisible hearing aids


She inserts it in her ear and touches her ear while looking at herself in the mirror


She puts on her coat and takes a last look into the mirror before leaving


Open up to the world. With the new invisible* Oticon OpnTM


Small enough to hide in your ear.


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FAQ about hearing loss levels