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“We can develop hearing loss at any age. If you’re suffering from hearing loss, asking people to repeat themselves or turning the TV volume louder than others appreciate is a lot more noticeable than a small device on your ear.”
Katie Koebel, Audiologist, M.Cl.Sc., Reg. CASLPO
Hearing Tests
Know the status of your hearing health and gain valuable insight into how sound affects you from day to day with a hearing test. The test is free for those over the age of 19, and you don’t need a doctor’s referral!
What to expect
Choosing a hearing care provider
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Tinnitus: Ringing in the Ears
Commonly described as a ringing in the ear, tinnitus can also produce a hissing, clicking, whistling, or whirring sound. We can treat tinnitus with sound therapy. Sound therapy is also a built-in feature of more advanced hearing aids.
Learn more about tinnitus
Online tinnitus test
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Custom Moulded Ear Plugs
No two ears are the same. Custom moulded ear plugs can be worn repetitively, provide a snug, secure fit, and offer full noise protection. Dentists, musicians, swimmers, and industrial workers are just some of the many people who can benefit from custom ear plugs.
How to prevent noise-induced hearing loss
Learn more about custom earplugs

The importance of personalized solutions for your hearing health
There are different types of hearing loss, and each has distinct treatment options. The two main types are sensorineural hearing loss, which is linked to the inner ear, and conductive hearing loss, which is linked to the outer and middle ear.
Each type of hearing loss requires a unique approach. Our personalized hearing care ensures that your specific needs are met with the right solutions. Our hearing care professionals conduct comprehensive assessments to determine the type and severity of your hearing loss and tailor a treatment plan just for you.
In addition to addressing hearing loss, personalized hearing care also encompasses managing related conditions such as tinnitus and earwax buildup. Tinnitus, characterized by ringing or buzzing in the ears, can stem from various causes like exposure to loud noises or age-related hearing changes. Understanding and managing tinnitus involves strategies like sound therapy and lifestyle adjustments to reduce its impact.
Excessive earwax is also another factor that can cause blockages, discomfort, and even temporary hearing loss. Safe earwax removal methods, such as irrigation and microsuction, help maintain ear health without causing harm.
By providing comprehensive hearing care, we ensure that all aspects of your hearing health are addressed, helping you achieve the best possible outcomes for your overall well-being.
9 facts about hearing loss
Treating hearing loss
Signs of hearing loss
Types of hearing loss
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Hearing Loss or Earwax?
Temporary hearing loss can occur when too much earwax accumulates in the ear-canal. Our hearing professionals will check for earwax blockage before performing a hearing test and can remove excess earwax if needed.
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